Emergency Road Closure: – ttro420034W(TD) - WW - Wiveliscombe Road, Norton Fitzwarren

Please be aware that we have received a notification of a TTRN (emergency) road closure at Wiveliscombe Road, Norton Fitzwarren which commenced on 7th February 2025 - 11th February 2025 (00:00 - 23:59) for a total of 5 days.

This will enable Wessex Water to repair main leak. 

The contractor has indicated that access for Emergency Services through the site  is not permitted on this occasion.

For any further information about this closure please contact Wessex Water on 0345 600 4600, quoting reference: ttro420034W(TD) 

Please visit one.network  https://one.network/?tm=142120327 where you will see the map of the affected area (in red), together with the supplied diversion route (in blue).

Please note: this diversion route could be subject to change on review.

Wessex Water Community drop in - click on attachmednt below for details

Taunton Policing Newsletter February 202[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
Agenda 05.02.25.doc
Microsoft Word document [41.5 KB]
Agenda 8.1.25.doc
Microsoft Word document [41.0 KB]

Somerset Rivers Authority report for 2023/24

Somerset Rivers Authority Report 2023.24[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [269.0 KB]
Environment Agency Flood Recovery Guide.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [387.7 KB]


Bus Timetable for no. 25 28A June 2024.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [336.3 KB]



Parish Council meetings will take place on the first Wednesday of the month except for August when there is no meeting.

The basketball, 5 a-side football games area is open.


The tennis court is open.


 Access is via  the playing field at Stembridge Way, cars can be parked in the area by the gate as the gate wil be locked after football matches have finished.